iDigBio Bibliography

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Digitizing catalog and ledger data for scientific research , Salcedo, Norma , (2015)
Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2013 Symposium Talk: We can foster collaboration and improve the results of biodiversity informatics, Saraiva, Antonio Maura , TDWG 2013 Annual Conference, 10/2013, Florence, Italy, (2013)
Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2013 Symposium Talk: Potential Refinement of the BARCODE Data Standard for Forensic Application: The Barcode of Wildlife Project, Schindel, David E. , TDWG 2013 Annual Conference, 10/2013, Florence, Italy, (2013)
Digitization of Herbarium Specimens, a Collaborative Project, Schmidt, Larry , March 29, 2007, Baltimore, Maryland, (2007)
Data Standards: What we can learn from the Information and Library Sciences , Schmidt, Larry , (2014)
Building Cooperative Digital Collections, Schmidt, Larry , (2015)
Challenges facing Small Museums with Moderate Collections and Minimal Resources , Schmidt, Curtis , (2015)
DScan - a high-performance digital scanning system for entomological collections, Schmidt, S., Balke M., and Lafogler S. , Zookeys, 2012, Volume 209, (2012)
Absence Data and Digitizing Source Material for Research, Schmits, Sarah, and Short Andrew , (2014)
Expanding your Academic Experience through Research, Schneider, Kimberly , (2013)
Expanding Your Academic Experience Through Research, Schneider, Kimberly , (2013)
The Extended Specimen:Using Media Specimens for Collections-based Ornithological Research, Scholes, Edwin , (2014)
Discussion 2: How to preserve biodiversity media? , Scholes, Ed , (2015)
iDigBio OCR Hackathon Initial Results - Rest API, Schroeder, Robin and Paul , (2013)
iDigBio Hackathon: iDigBio OCR Hackathon Initial Results - Rest API, Schroeder, Paul, and Schroeder Robin , (2013)
Integrating specimen databases and revisionary systematics, Schuh, Randall T. , ZooKeys, 07/2012, Volume 209, Issue (Special Issue), (2012)
IDigBio Summit II: Plants, Herbivores, and Parasitoids: A Model System for the Study of Tritrophic Associations, Schuh, Toby, Weirauch Christiane, and Seltmann Katja , (2012)
Plants, Herbivores, and Parasitoids: A Model System for the Study of Tritrophic Associations, Schuh, Toby, Weirauch Christiane, and Seltmann Katja , (2012)
TraitBank: Structured Data in the Encyclopedia of Life, Schulz, Katja , (2014)
TraitBank: Structured Data in the Encyclopedia of Life, Schulz, Katja , (2014)
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: Encyclopedia of Life Tools, Schulz, Katja , (2012)
Creating a 21st Century Virtual Herbarium at the University of Maryland, Schuster, Tanja M., Anderson Nikolaus G., and Neel Maile C. , (2013)
