iDigBio Bibliography

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Journal Article
Variables affecting DNA preservation in archival plant specimens, Neubig, Kurt M., Whitten Mark W., Abbott Richard J., Elliot Savannah, Soltis Douglas E., and Soltis Pamela S. , DNA Banking for the 21st Century, 2014, (2014)
The Value of Museum Collections for Research and Society, Suarez, Andrew V., and Tsutsui Neil D. , BioScience, 01/2004, Volume 54, Issue 1, p.69-74, (2004)
The Value of Museum Collections for Research and Society, Suarez, Andrew V., and Tsutsui Neil D. , BioScience, 01/2004, Volume 54, Issue 1, p.69-74, (2004)
Toward broader impacts: Making sense of NSF's merit review criteria in the context of the National Science Digital Library, Mardis, Marcia, Hoffman Ellen S., and McMartin Flora P. , Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2012, Volume 63, (2012)
Temporal Calibration and Biochronology of the Centenario Fauna, Early Miocene of Panama, MacFadden, Bruce J., Bloch Jonathan, Evans Helen, Foster David, Morgan Gary, Rincon Aldo, and Wood Aaaron , The Journal of Geology, 2014, Volume 122, (2014)
Specimen collection: An essential tool, Rocha, L.A., and authors See actual pub , Science, 05/2014, Volume 344, Issue 6186, (2014)
Semi-automated workflows for acquiring specimen data from label images in herbarium collections, Taxon, , Taxon, Volume 59, Issue 6, p.1830-1842, (2010)
Semantics in Support of Biodiversity Knowledge Discovery: An Introduction to the Biological Collections Ontology and Related Ontologies., Wells, Ramona, Deck John, Guralnick Robert, Baskauf Steve, Beaman Reed, Blum Stanley, Bowers Shawn, Buttigieg Pier Luigi, Davies Neil, Endresen Dag, et al. , PLoS ONE, 03/2014, Volume 9, Issue 3, (2014)
Results and insights from the NCSU Insect Museum GigaPan project, Bertone, M. A., Blinn R. L., Standfield T. M., Dew K. J., Seltmann K. C., and Deans A. R. , Zookeys, 2012, Volume 209, (2012)
Relational database design and implementation for biodiversity informatics, Morris, P. J. , PhyloInformatics, Volume 7, p.1-66, (2005)
Preserving Biodiversity for Long-term Research: The Genetic Resources Repository of the Florida Museum of Natural History, Endara, Lorena, Soto-Centeno Angelo, Lott Terry A., and Soltis Pamela S. , DNA Banking for the 21st Century, 2014, (2014)
Polyploidy and novelty: Gottlieb's legacy, Soltis, Pamela S., Liu Xiaoxian, D. Marchant Blaine, Visger Clayton J., and Soltis Douglas E. , Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Volume 369, Issue 1648, (2014)
Polyploidy and novelty: Gottlieb’s legacy, Soltis, Pamela S., Liu Xiaoxian, D. Marchant Blaine, Visger Clayton J., and Soltis Douglas E. , Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2014, Volume 369, (2015)
Nomenclatural benchmarking: the roles of digital typification and telemicroscopy, Wheeler, Q., Bourgoin T., Coddington J., Gostony T., Hamilton A., Larimer R., Polaszek A., Schauff M., and Solis M.A. , Zookeys, 2012, Volume 209, (2012)
New Push to Bring US Biological Collections to the World's Online Community, Baker, Beth , BioScience, 2011, Volume 61, Issue 9, (2011)
A New iDigBio Web Feature Links DNA Banks and Genetic Resources Repositories in the United States, Soltis, Pamela S., and Godden Grant T. , DNA Banking for the 21st Century, 04/2014, (2014)
Natural History Specimen Digitization: Challenges and Concerns, Vollmar, A., Macklin J. A., and Ford L. S. , Biodiversity Informatics, Volume 7, p.93-112, (2010)
Natural History Collections as Emerging Resources for Innovative Education, Cook, Joseph A., Edwards Scott V., Lacey Eileen A., Guralnick Robert P., Soltis Pamela S., Soltis Douglas E., Welch Corey K., Bell Kayce C., Galbreath Kurt E., Himes Christopher, et al. , BioScience, 08/2014, Volume 64, Issue 8, (2014)
Natural History Collections as Emerging Resources for Innovative Education, Cook, Joseph A., Edwards Scott V., Lacey Eileen A., Guralnick Robert P., Soltis Pamela S., Soltis Douglas E., Welch Corey K., Bell Kayce C., Galbreath Kurt E., Himes Christopher, et al. , BioScience, 08/2014, Volume 64, Issue 8, (2014)
Meeting report: Identifying practical applications of ontologies for biodiversity informatics, Deck, John, Guralnick Robert, Walls Ramona, Blum Stanley, Haendel Melissa, Matsunaga Andréa, and Wieczorek John , Standards in Genomic Sciences C7 - 25, Volume 10, p.1-6, (2015)
Keeping an Eye on Biology, Singer, Susan R., Schwarz Jodi A., Manduca Cathryn A., Fox Sean P., Iverson Ellen R., Taylor Benjamin J., Cannon Steven B., May Gregory D., Maki Sonja L., Farmer Andrew D., et al. , Science, 01/2013, Volume 339, Issue 6118, p.408-409, (2013)
InvertNet: a new paradigm for digital access to invertebrate collections, Dietrich, Chris , ZooKeys, 07/2012, Volume 209, Issue (Special Issue), (2012)
Integrating specimen databases and revisionary systematics, Schuh, Randall T. , ZooKeys, 07/2012, Volume 209, Issue (Special Issue), (2012)
Indigenous Knowledge Systems/Alaska Native Ways of Knowing, Barnhardt, R., and Kawagley A. O. , Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 04/2005, Volume 36, Issue 1, p.8 - 23, (2005)
Increasing the efficiency of digitization workflows for herbarium specimens, Tulig, Melissa , ZooKeys, 07/2012, Volume 209, Issue (Special Issue), (2012)
