iDigBio Bibliography
Variables affecting DNA preservation in archival plant specimens,
, DNA Banking for the 21st Century, 2014, (2014)
The Value of Museum Collections for Research and Society,
, BioScience, 01/2004, Volume 54, Issue 1, p.69-74, (2004)
The Value of Museum Collections for Research and Society,
, BioScience, 01/2004, Volume 54, Issue 1, p.69-74, (2004)
Toward broader impacts: Making sense of NSF's merit review criteria in the context of the National Science Digital Library,
, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 2012, Volume 63, (2012)
Temporal Calibration and Biochronology of the Centenario Fauna, Early Miocene of Panama,
, The Journal of Geology, 2014, Volume 122, (2014)
Specimen collection: An essential tool,
, Science, 05/2014, Volume 344, Issue 6186, (2014)
Semi-automated workflows for acquiring specimen data from label images in herbarium collections, Taxon,
, Taxon, Volume 59, Issue 6, p.1830-1842, (2010)
Semantics in Support of Biodiversity Knowledge Discovery: An Introduction to the Biological Collections Ontology and Related Ontologies.,
, PLoS ONE, 03/2014, Volume 9, Issue 3, (2014)
Results and insights from the NCSU Insect Museum GigaPan project,
, Zookeys, 2012, Volume 209, (2012)
Relational database design and implementation for biodiversity informatics,
, PhyloInformatics, Volume 7, p.1-66, (2005)
Preserving Biodiversity for Long-term Research: The Genetic Resources Repository of the Florida Museum of Natural History,
, DNA Banking for the 21st Century, 2014, (2014)
Polyploidy and novelty: Gottlieb's legacy,
, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Volume 369, Issue 1648, (2014)
Polyploidy and novelty: Gottlieb’s legacy,
, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2014, Volume 369, (2015)
Nomenclatural benchmarking: the roles of digital typification and telemicroscopy,
, Zookeys, 2012, Volume 209, (2012)
New Push to Bring US Biological Collections to the World's Online Community,
, BioScience, 2011, Volume 61, Issue 9, (2011)
A New iDigBio Web Feature Links DNA Banks and Genetic Resources Repositories in the United States,
, DNA Banking for the 21st Century, 04/2014, (2014)
Natural History Specimen Digitization: Challenges and Concerns,
, Biodiversity Informatics, Volume 7, p.93-112, (2010)
Natural History Collections as Emerging Resources for Innovative Education,
, BioScience, 08/2014, Volume 64, Issue 8, (2014)
Natural History Collections as Emerging Resources for Innovative Education,
, BioScience, 08/2014, Volume 64, Issue 8, (2014)
Meeting report: Identifying practical applications of ontologies for biodiversity informatics,
, Standards in Genomic Sciences C7 - 25, Volume 10, p.1-6, (2015)
Keeping an Eye on Biology,
, Science, 01/2013, Volume 339, Issue 6118, p.408-409, (2013)
InvertNet: a new paradigm for digital access to invertebrate collections,
, ZooKeys, 07/2012, Volume 209, Issue (Special Issue), (2012)
Integrating specimen databases and revisionary systematics,
, ZooKeys, 07/2012, Volume 209, Issue (Special Issue), (2012)
Indigenous Knowledge Systems/Alaska Native Ways of Knowing,
, Anthropology and Education Quarterly, 04/2005, Volume 36, Issue 1, p.8 - 23, (2005)
Increasing the efficiency of digitization workflows for herbarium specimens,
, ZooKeys, 07/2012, Volume 209, Issue (Special Issue), (2012)