iDigBio Bibliography

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Object Recognition in Herbarium Specimens, Steinke, KH, Gehrke M., and Dzido R. , ICDM 2011 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 09/2011, Vancouver, Canada, (2011)
Object to Image to Data Day 1: am session pt 1, iDigBio , 05/2012, (2012)
Object to Image to Data Day 1: am session pt 2, iDigBio , 05/2012, (2012)
Object to Image to Data Day 1: Breakout Group 1, iDigBio , 05/2012, (2012)
Object to Image to Data Day 1: Breakout Group 2, iDigBio , 05/2012, (2012)
Object to Image to Data Day 1: Breakout Group 3, iDigBio , 05/2012, (2012)
Object to Image to Data Day 1: pm session pt 1, iDigBio , 05/2012, (2012)
Object to Image to Data Day 1 pm session pt 2, iDigBio , 05/2012, (2012)
Object to Image to Data Day 2 am session pt 1, iDigBio , 05/2012, (2012)
Object to Image to Data Day 2: am session pt 2, iDigBio , 05/2012, (2012)
Object to Image to Data Day 2: Breakout Group 1, iDigBio , 05/2012, (2012)
Object to Image to Data Day 2: Breakout Group 2, iDigBio , 05/2012, (2012)
Object to Image to Data Day 2: Breakout Group 3, iDigBio , 05/2012, (2012)
Object to Image to Data Day 2: Final session, iDigBio , 05/2012, (2012)
Ocean Genome Legacy at Northeastern University, , (2016)
OF People & Data, Paul, Deborah , (2013)
Oklahoma Collection of Genomic Resources, Sam Noble Oklahoma Museum of Natural History, , (2013)
Oklahoma State University Collection of Vertebrates, , (2013)
Online Resources for Georeferencing, Farrell, Una , (2013)
The Open Drawer Project - Providing free access to high resolution images of entomological collection drawers, Kroupa, Alexander, Häuser Christoph, Hagedorn Gregor, Maier Felix, Schurian Bernhard, Glöckler Falko, and Schmidt Stefan , (2014)
The Open Drawer Project - Providing free access to high resolution images of entomological collection drawers. , Kroupa, Alexander, Hagedorn Gregor, Schurian Bernhard, Glöckler Falko, Häuser Christoph, Maier Felix, and Schmidt Stefan , (2014)


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