iDigBio Bibliography

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Uses for Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Output, Paul, Deborah , (2014)
Uses for Digitized Data ADBC & Essential Data to be Digitized , Page, Larry M. , (2014)
The use of specimen label images for efficient data acquisition in research collections cataloguing: Workflow, la Cerda, Ingio Granzow-de, Gomez-Martinez Juan Carols, and Garcia-Castillo Jose Luis , (2006)
Updates from NSF, Skog, Judith , (2014)
Unlocking hidden potential: using museum specimens to engage and educate children with autism, Singer, Randy A. , SPNHC 2015, (2015)
University of Wisconsin Zoological Museum, Ornithology Department, , (2013)
University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, , (2013)
The University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute, , (2013)
University of Central Oklahoma Natural History Museum, , (2013)
University of California Davis, Nemetode Collection, , (2013)
University of Alaska Museum of the North, , (2013)
University of Alabama Ichthyology Collection, , (2013)
Undertaking digitization in the NMNH Paleobiology collection and digitization strategies at the Smithsonian Institution, Hollis, Kathy , (2013)
Understanding the use and users of natural history collections data: Why this matters, Martin, Elizabeth , (2013)
Understanding the Global Names Architecture (GNA) , Pyle, Richard L. , (2014)
Understanding Data, Gilbert, Edward , (2014)
Undergraduates in natural history collections: What are the educational gains and how can we make the experience more impactful?, Monfils, Anna, and Ellis Shari , (2014)
