iDigBio Bibliography

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iDigBio GWG TTT 2: Day 1-10:30 am - 12:30 pm, iDigBio , (2013)
iDigBio GWG TTT 2: Day 1-4:30 pm - 5:30 pm, iDigBio , (2013)
iDigBio GWG TTT 2: Day 2-10:30 am, iDigBio , (2013)
iDigBio GWG TTT 2: Day 3- Start 2:30- 4:00pm, iDigBio , (2013)
iDigBio GWG TTT 2: Day 3, Start 4:15 pm finish, iDigBio , (2013)
iDigBio GWG TTT 2: Day 3- Start 9:30am, iDigBio , (2013)
iDigBio GWG TTT 2: Day 4, 11:00am-12:30pm, iDigBio , (2013)
iDigBio GWG TTT 2: Day 4, 1:30pm -5:00pm, iDigBio , (2013)
iDigBio GWG TTT 2: Day 4, Start-10:20am, iDigBio , (2013)
iDigBio GWG TTT 2: Day 5, 2:15pm-3:45pm, iDigBio , (2013)
iDigBio GWG TTT 2: Day 5, 9:30 am-11:00 am, iDigBio , (2013)
iDigBio Hackathon: 1st iDigBio - BRIT Hackathon, Paul, Deborah L. , (2013)
iDigBio Hackathon - BRIT - 2013, iDigBio , 02/2013, (2013)
iDigBio Hackathon: iDigBio OCR Hackathon Initial Results - Rest API, Schroeder, Paul, and Schroeder Robin , (2013)
iDigBio Hackathon: Regular Expression-Based Parsing of Tesseract Output from Lichen Herbarium Labels, Anglin, Robert , (2013)
iDigBio Hackathon: SALIX 2, Lafferty, Daryl , (2013)
iDigBio Image File Format Requirements and Recommendations, , 09/2012, (2012)
iDigBio Image File Format Requirements and Recommendations, , 11/2014, (2014)
iDigBio Image Ingestion Appliance, Liu, Yonggang , (2013)
iDigBio Imaging Equipment Recommendations, McCaffrey, Joanna , (2013)
iDigBio Infrastructure, iDigBio , (2015)
iDigBio - Integrated Digitized Biocollections, Nelson, Gil, and Phillips Molly , The 128th Annual Meeting of the Iowa Academy of Science, 04/2016, Grand View University, Des Moines, (2016)
iDigBio Introduction, Nelson, Gil , Carr 211, (2015)
iDigBio IT, Fortes, Jose , (2012)
iDigBio IT, Fortes, Jose , (2012)
