iDigBio Bibliography

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The Fairbanks Museum: a small, rural, New England Natural History Museum’s Challenge to Adapt, Prondzinski, Mary Beth , (2015)
The Fairmont State Experience, Trisel, Donald E. , (2013)
FAQ: 3D surface scanning of paleo collections with a NextEngine laser scanner , Wood, Aaron , (2014)
Field Collection to Data: Keeping track of specimens , James, Shelley , (2014)
Field to Freezer: Low tech collecting; high quality data., James, Shelley , (2015)
Finding Funding for Specimen Digitization, Hannah, Laurie , (2014)
Fish Bones , Garetano, Lydia M. , (2014)
Fishnet Workflow for Large Scale Collaborative Georeferencing, Rios, Nelson , (2013)
Fishnet2 Collaborative Georeferencing, Bart, Jr., Henry L. , (2013)
FishNet2 Global Network of Fish Collections, Barroso, Diego , (2013)
Flat Sheets and Packets Workflow Working Group, Nelson, Gil , (2015)
Fluid-preserved imaging, Larimer, Roy , (2013)
FOSSIL- A national network of amateur and professional paleontologists in the U.S., MacFadden, Bruce, Crippen Kent, Dunckel Betty, Ellis Shari, Hendy Austin, Hendy Katherine, and Grant Claudia , (2014)
Fossil Insect Collaborative, Karim, Talia , (2014)
Fossil Insect Collaborative, Karim, Talia , (2014)
Fossil Insect Collaborative. A deep-time approach to studying diversification and response to environmental change, Smith, Dena , (2013)
Fossil Insect Collaborative Digitization Project, Smith, Dena , (2013)
Fossil Insect Collaborative Digitization Project:Our E&O Activities, Byrd, Christina, and Dooley Alton , (2014)
Fossil Specimen Imaging at NMNH, Utrup, Jessica , (2013)
Fossils in the Cloud” Advancing the Broader Impacts of iDigBio through Paleocollections , MacFadden, Bruce J. , (2014)
From Biocollections to Global Change Biology: New Conceptual and Cyberinfrastructure Frameworks For Closing The Gap, Guralnick, Robert , (2014)
From Ink to Electrons: Issues to be Considered, Speers, Larry , (2009)
From Museum Specimen Database to Ecological Statement, Johnson, Christine A. , (2014)
From Pro tem to visibility:my 30 years managing the NMNH Pryaloidea Collection (Lepidoptera), M. Solis, Alma , (2014)
Funding Strategies for Digitization, Russell, Rusty , (2014)
