iDigBio Bibliography

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AutoMontage: An imaging tool for entomological specimens, Polhemus, Dan , (2014)
Avocational paleontologists and volunteers:critical partners, Molineux, Ann, McCall Linda, and Geigerman Faye , (2014)
Avoiding Digitization: Field data entry of evidence , directly into the system of record, Whitton, Robert , (2014)
Belau National Museum "A Cherechar A Lokelii", Morei, Olympia , (2014)
Best practices in managing and digitizing scientific collections, Tegelberg, Riitta , (2014)
Best Practices in managing and digitizing scientific collections, Tegelberg, Riitta , (2014)
Beyond the Dip Net, Short, Andrew , (2014)
BIG4- Biosystematics, Informatics and Genetics of the big 4 insect groups, , (2014)
Biocode Field Information Management System, Deck, John , (2015)
Biodiversity Collections Digitization Initiatives University of Hawaii, Thomas, Michael , (2014)
Biodiversity Data Publishing, Russell, Laura , (2014)
Biodiversity Data Publishing, Russell, Laura , (2013)
Biodiversity Digitization in the Pacific, Nelson, Gil , (2014)
Biodiversity Information Serving Our Nation, Martin, Elizabeth , (2014)
Biological Field / Research Stations, Nelson, Gil , (2014)
Biological field stations as repositories of biodiversity data, Swain, Hilary, and Nelson Gil , (2015)
Bishop Museum Vertebrate Zoology, Digitizing a Diverse Collection, Hagerman, Molly , (2014)
Bite-sized digi-projects , Adrain, Tiffany , (2014)
The Botanical Information and Ecology Network (BIEN): A research and collections collaboration to investigate the ecological impacts of global climate change on plant biodiversity, Thiers, Barbara , (2013)
Bridge between fossil clubs and K12: opportunities for collaboration Geology, Perez, Victor , (2015)
Broadening Diversity in Biological Sciences: Reaching Out to Underrepresented Populations, Nelson, Gil , (2014)
Broadening Diversity in the Biological Sciences:, Nelson, Gil , (2014)
Broadening Diversity in the Biological Sciences: Reaching Out to Underrepresented Populations, Nelson, Gil , (2013)
Building a Community of Small Collection Professionals-NANSH and SCNet, Monfils, Anna , (2014)
Building Cooperative Digital Collections, Schmidt, Larry , (2015)
