Talk:Digitization Resources

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Revision as of 16:23, 25 September 2014 by Aflemming (talk | contribs)

The information on the page has been reorganized in reverse chronological order. 08/2014 There are 4 trial pages at the end of the page portraying some of the ideas expressed below!

My thoughts for organizing the digitization page as Wiki's and Reports start engulfing the page:

  • Would it be wise to create a table where Workshop Reports are placed next to Workshop Wikis? Trial Page 1
  • Would it be easier to follow/find information if Reports e.g. 2014 are placed after Workshop Wikis e.g 2014 on the page? Trial page 2
  • Would it be wise to simply have a link to the workshop summaries page vs having the wiki's and reports on the digitization page? (The workshop Summaries page is currently being updated and uniformly structured) Trial page 3
  • Would it be wise to create a COLLAPSIBLE table where Workshop Reports are placed next to Workshop Wikis? This creates less scrolling than trial page 1? Trial Page 4
  • Assuming that number 1, 2, 5-18 are fairly constant material on the digitization page, would it be wise to create a table/infobox (usually on the left of most Wikipedia pages), which would highlight this main information, hence taking it out of the wiki and report clutter?
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