Integrating Collections and Ecological Research

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Ecology Groups from the Ecological Society of America

The Integrating Collections and Ecological Research (ICER) Working Group is inspired by efforts to expand and enhance the community of those using collections data in their scientific research. Recent publications provide evidence the ecology community is calling for more robust and strategic connections between the ecology and collection communities. For example, iDigBio has collaborated at recent Ecological Society of America Conferences with the Natural History Section, and the Historical Records group. The initial two main foci of ICER are to 1) figure out how best to insure ecologists know about existing collections data resources, 2) bring the two communities together to discuss suitability of the data captured from field specimen collection for ecologists. Other potential topics include: delineating which ecology groups can best use collections data (and which cannot), looking at what might be possible in the future to support ecologists vouchering specimens where appropriate, and working with collections and ecologists to design sustainable new standard practices for supporting ecologists as parties vested in supporting the existence of and need for collections.

ICER Documents in Progress

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ICER Workshops and Related Activities

Activities and Articles in Support of Ecology and Collections Collaboration


Working Group Meeting Place

iDigBio Research Resources