IDigBio Retreat 2016

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Welcome to the fourth annual iDigBio Retreat! The retreat provides an open forum for the iDigBio team to review progress, help develop plans for the future, and to get to know each other better. This year, we will gather to think anew about our goals, objectives, scope, policies, etc. as we move forward into our renewal. In particular, our focus will be shifting towards data use and sustainability.

Digitizing the Past and Present for the Future
IDigBio Logo RGB.png
Retreat Quick Links
Calendar Announcement

General Information

When: Friday, August 26, 2016

Where: Camp Weed in Live Oak, FL

Driving Directions

  • From the University of Florida in Gainesville:
    • Google Directions
    • From the Camp Weed website:
      • Take I-75 N toward Lake City
      • Take exit 427 for US-90 W
      • Turn left on US-90 and travel 14.7 miles from the I-75 overpass
      • Turn left onto 75th Drive
      • Take 1st right onto Camp Weed Place
  • From Florida State University in Tallahassee:
    • Google Directions
    • From the Camp Weed website:
      • Take I-10 East to Hwy-129, exit 283
      • Travel South on Hwy-129 to US-90 E / E Howard Street
      • Turn left (East) and travel 6 miles to 75th Drive
      • Turn right onto 75th Drive
      • Take 1st right onto Camp Weed Place


8:30 - 9:00 Arrival (coffee & muffins provided)
9:00 - 12:00 Morning Session

Concentrate on our priorities for the next five years. What should stay the same, what should stop or change, what will put us where we want to be in 2021 – the end of the 10-year support from NSF? What is most important for us to concentrate on, and why?

  • What do we want iDigBio to look like in 2021?
  • What does the collections community expect from us in the next five years?
  • What does the biodiversity research community expect from us in the next five years?
  • What does the bioinformatics community expect from us in the next five years?
  • Do we continue the annual Summit in its current format, or should we have a smaller annual meeting directed at new TCNs — perhaps with the Natural Science Collections Alliance (NSCA) taking over the Summit as an annual meeting?
  • Should our search portal go away and instead make all data being accessible through GBIF by 2021?
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch (provided)
1:00 - 4:00 Afternoon Session

Translate our vision for the next five years into objectives/milestones.

  • Do we need to change our mission, vision, and horizon statements?
  • Do we need to change our scope inclusions and exclusions?
  • What do we want to achieve and when?
  • What are each person's roles and responsibilities?
  • What steps should we take to move towards sustainability and on what timeline?