EntSoc 2018 Data Help Desk

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Entomological Society of America



Integrated Digitized Collections

Date: 11-14 November 2018
Vancouver, BC
Help Desk Blog Post

About the Data Help Desk

Entomological collections and Ecological data repositories and data specialists will collaborate at the EntSoc 2018 meeting in Vancouver to add a Data Help Desk to the Poster/Exhibition Hall. The Entomological Collections Network (ECN), iDigBio, and the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) do this to offer their combined expertise and learn about data needs from those attending this conference.

Help available includes a Data Reference Desk for general information management and data discovery and use questions and opportunities to Meet the Expert for one-on-one sessions to answer specific questions. And, any time, we will provide presentations and software demos on relevant ecological and entomological data topics ranging from collections care to data repositories to analytical tools to creating metadata.
