ECN 2015
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Entomological Collections Network Annual Meeting 2015 |
This wiki supports the Entomological Collections Network Annual Meeting: Using Digitized Insect Data in Research, November 14-15, 2015 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
ECN 2015 Presentations
Session: Digitization Efforts
- Databasing the Harry G. Nelson collection of North American riffle beetles (Coleoptera: Dryopoidea) at the Field Museum (Crystal A. Maier)
- Putting the ghosts into the machine: Digitizing Field Notes at the UMMZ (Mark O’Brien)
- Digitization at the London Natural History Museum: recent projects involving the Chalcidoidea collection (Natalie Dale-Skey)
- TaxonWorks as a Collection Management Tool (Matthew Yoder, R. Edward DeWalt, & Dmitry Dmitriev)
- The Hopkins Notes and Records System and its value for contemporary research (Robert R. Kula & Floyd W. Shockley)
- Challenges faced in modernizing old specimen databases and getting them online (Andrew B. T. Smith)
Session: Insect Collecting
- Developing a long-term study in Costa Rica (Eugenio H. Nearns, Ian P. Swift , Gareth S. Powell, & Jennifer M. Zaspel)
- Insects collecting in Cuba: recent experiences and outlook for the future (Robert Anderson)
iDigBio-sponsored Session: Using Digitized Insect Data in Research
- Introduction to Using Digitized Data (Shelley James, Christy Bills & Gil Nelson)
- Digitization of the Beatty Odonata Collection at the Frost Entomological Museum (PSUC): the terrain of ecological niche modeling (Emily Sandall, Claire Jones, Briana Ezray & Andy Deans)
- Using digitized fossil Coleoptera to study ecological and evolutionary response to global climate change (Dena M. Smith, Lindsay J. Walker, Cesar R. Nufi o, & Hannah Sexson)
- Using Digitized Data: Two examples of North American museum collections (Christine A. Johnson)
- Areas of endemism in the Nearctic: a case study of 1,566 species of Miridae (Insecta: Hemiptera) and their plant hosts (Christiane Weirauch, Randall T. Schuh, Katja Seltmann, Michael Schwartz, Christine Johnson, Mary Ann Feist, & Pamela Soltis)
- Digital Databases and Multiple Perspectives of Biodiversity (Jorge Soberon)
- Digitized data and the bees of Colorado (Collin Schwantes)
Session: Workflows and preparations
- Collecting flies for genomic research: workflow at the Smithsonian National Museum (Torsten Dikow)
- The archival quality of Gum-Chloral based slide mounting media; an accelerated aging experiment (Zoe J. O. Adams)
Session: Living Collections
- The Insect Zoo at Michigan State University’s Bug House (Bernice Bacon DeMarco & Gary L. Parsons)
- Beyond Drosophila melanogaster: insights into a living collection of over 250 globally distributed Drosophila species (Maxi Polihronakis Richmond & Therese A. Markow)
- Metamorphosis of a Bug Barn (Gwen Pearson)
- OSU Insect Adventure: a living collection in action (Andrine Shufran)
- Audubon Butterfly Garden and Insectarium: A place where history and tradition meet diversity and wonder (Steven Nichols & Jayme Necaise)
Session: Commentary
- What are we collecting for? (Max Barclay)
- Got Metadata? GBIF Task Force on Accelerating Discovery of Biological Collections Data (Deborah Paul)
Workshop Recordings
Day 1 Saturday November 14, 2015
- 8:39 AM (01:24:02)
- 10:26 AM (01:46:14)
- 1:35 PM (01:06:58)
- 2:58 PM (02:20:07)
Day 2 Sunday November 15,2015
- 8:05 AM (01:19:58)
- 9:46 AM (01:13:03)
- 10:59 AM (00:20:19)
- 11:25 AM (00:26:19)