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"data": {
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"dwc:specificEpithet": "haliaetus",
"dwc:countryCode": "US",
"dwc:county": "Sussex",
"dwc:recordedBy": "Tri-State Bird Rescue",
"dwc:georeferencedDate": "2011-02-17",
"dwc:order": "Accipitriformes",
"dcterms:references": "http://portal.vertnet.org/o/dmnh/bird?id=82409",
"dcterms:accessRights": "http://vertnet.org/resources/norms.html",
"dwc:occurrenceID": "a7d95261-c591-11e3-acd2-03413f76937f",
"dwc:lifeStage": "adult",
"dcterms:language": "en",
"id": "a7d95261-c591-11e3-acd2-03413f76937f",
"dwc:establishmentMeans": "native",
"dwc:stateProvince": "Delaware",
"dwc:locationRemarks": "= Beaver Dam Rd., S of Millville",
"dwc:eventDate": "1994-05-13",
"dwc:collectionID": "http://grbio.org/cool/ywsm-eq6q",
"dwc:institutionCode": "DMNH",
"dwc:country": "United States",
"dwc:collectionCode": "Bird",
"dwc:occurrenceStatus": "present",
"dwc:kingdom": "Animalia",
"dwc:decimalLatitude": "38.5233241",
"dwc:georeferenceVerificationStatus": "verified by curator",
"dwc:basisOfRecord": "PreservedSpecimen",
"dwc:genus": "Pandion",
"dwc:continent": "North America",
"dwc:family": "Pandionidae",
"dwc:sex": "female",
"dwc:georeferenceSources": "BioGeomancer",
"dwc:higherClassification": "Falconiformes | Pandionidae | Pandion",
"dcterms:license": "https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/",
"dwc:phylum": "Chordata",
"dwc:locality": "Rt. 368",
"dwc:institutionID": "http://biocol.org/urn:lsid:biocol.org:col:34940",
"dwc:geodeticDatum": "WGS84",
"dwc:taxonRank": "species",
"dwc:class": "Aves",
"dwc:catalogNumber": "82409",
"dwc:nomenclaturalCode": "ICZN",
"dcterms:type": "PhysicalObject",
"dwc:higherGeography": "North America | USA | Delaware | Sussex | | | |",
"dwc:month": "5",
"dwc:decimalLongitude": "-75.1082038",
"dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters": "2410",
"dwc:datasetName": "Delaware Museum of Natural History (DMNH) Bird Collection",
"dwc:endDayOfYear": "133",
"dwc:verbatimLocality": "North America | USA | Delaware | Sussex | Rt. 368",
"dwc:georeferencedBy": "Woods, Jean L.",
"dwc:verbatimEventDate": "13May1994",
"dwc:recordNumber": "TSBR 94-0417",
"dwc:preparations": "skeleton | wing",
"dwc:georeferenceProtocol": "VertNet Georeferencing Guidelines",
"dcterms:modified": "2011-02-08 01:11:42.0",
"dwc:scientificName": "Pandion haliaetus",
"dwc:day": "13",
"dwc:year": "1994"
"indexTerms": {
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"startdayofyear": 133,
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"specificepithet": "haliaetus",
"continent": "north america",
"datemodified": "2017-01-08T07:45:23.094428+00:00",
"uuid": "711f6e74-c4f1-4e0e-a57e-bec7bf689177",
"countrycode": "usa",
"basisofrecord": "preservedspecimen",
"collector": "tri-state bird rescue",
"institutioncode": "dmnh",
"verbatimlocality": "north america | usa | delaware | sussex | rt. 368",
"datecollected": "1994-05-13T00:00:00+00:00",
"etag": "fff624075d639813115a266589b4602082832d9d",
"recordnumber": "tsbr 94-0417",
"hasImage": false,
"kingdom": "animalia",
"highertaxon": "falconiformes | pandionidae | pandion",
"collectionid": "http://grbio.org/cool/ywsm-eq6q",
"taxonid": "2480726",
"scientificname": "pandion haliaetus",
"indexData": {
"idigbio:dateModified": "2017-01-08T07:45:23.094428",
"dwc:county": "Sussex",
"idigbio:uuid": "711f6e74-c4f1-4e0e-a57e-bec7bf689177",
"dwc:georeferencedDate": "2011-02-17",
"gbif:canonicalname": "pandion haliaetus",
"flag_gbif_reference_added": true,
"dwc:occurrenceID": "a7d95261-c591-11e3-acd2-03413f76937f",
"dwc:lifeStage": "adult",
"flag_gbif_genericname_added": true,
"dwc:occurrenceStatus": "present",
"flag_dwc_datasetid_added": true,
"idigbio:parent": "605bb19b-7564-4e6d-a5df-8ec841d68ba0",
"dwc:locationRemarks": "= Beaver Dam Rd., S of Millville",
"dwc:country": "United States",
"dwc:multimedia": [
"dcterms:license": "creative commons attribution share alike 3.0 unported",
"dcterms:title": "nominate osprey subspecies from nagarhole national park.",
"dcterms:references": "http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/file:2010-kabini-osprey.jpg",
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:identifier": "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/01/2010-kabini-osprey.jpg",
"dcterms:source": "english wikipedia - species pages",
"dcterms:description": "english: osprey",
"dcterms:creator": "yathin s krishnappa",
"dcterms:publisher": "wikimedia commons"
"dcterms:license": "pd nasa",
"dcterms:title": "fischadler (p. h. carolinensis), (rüttelnd)",
"dcterms:references": "http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/file:ospreynasa.jpg",
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:identifier": "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0f/ospreynasa.jpg",
"dcterms:source": "german wikipedia - species pages",
"dcterms:description": "pandion haliaetus english: an osprey preparing to dive at kennedy space center, florida, usa. it stares intently at prey as it extends its talons. osprey nests are found throughout the kennedy space center and nearby merritt island national wildlife refuge. deutsch: fischadler kurz vor dem zugriff, kennedy space center, florida, usa français : un balbuzard pêcheur se préparant à plonger. cliché pris au centre spatial kennedy. svenska: ryttlande fiskgjuse förbereder sig för att dyka ned mot ett byte vid john f. kennedy space center i florida. flera par fiskgjusar häckar i området kring kennedy space center och i det näraliggande merritt island national wildlife refuge. 中文: 一只准备俯冲的鹗,摄于肯尼迪航天中心。",
"dcterms:creator": "nasa",
"dcterms:publisher": "wikimedia commons"
"idigbio:etag": "fff624075d639813115a266589b4602082832d9d",
"flag_gbif_vernacularname_added": true,
"dwc:decimalLatitude": "38.5233241",
"dwc:datasetid": "7ddf754f-d193-4cc9-b351-99906754a03b",
"dwc:georeferenceSources": "BioGeomancer",
"dwc:preparations": "skeleton | wing",
"dcterms:license": "https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/",
"flag_idigbio_isocountrycode_added": true,
"dwc:scientificnameauthorship": "(linnaeus, 1758)",
"dwc:locality": "Rt. 368",
"dwc:geodeticDatum": "WGS84",
"dwc:taxonRank": "species",
"dwc:higherClassification": "Falconiformes | Pandionidae | Pandion",
"dwc:catalogNumber": "82409",
"dwc:nomenclaturalCode": "ICZN",
"dcterms:type": "PhysicalObject",
"dwc:higherGeography": "North America | USA | Delaware | Sussex | | | |",
"flag_dwc_scientificnameauthorship_added": true,
"dwc:decimalLongitude": "-75.1082038",
"dwc:datasetName": "Delaware Museum of Natural History (DMNH) Bird Collection",
"dwc:endDayOfYear": "133",
"dwc:georeferencedBy": "Woods, Jean L.",
"dwc:family": "Pandionidae",
"dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters": "2410",
"gbif:reference": [
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "(1996) nodc taxonomic code"
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "(2001) database, comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad"
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "(2003) database, http://www.menv.gouv.qc.ca/biodiversite/centre.htm"
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "(2005) website, aou check-list (07-2005)"
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "(2011) aou check-list (08-2011)"
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "(2011) aou check-list (08-2011)"
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "(2011) ioc world bird list, master list v2.9"
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "(2011) ioc world bird list, master list v2.9"
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "(2011) zoonomen - zoological nomenclature resource, 2011.02.25"
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "inventario nacional biodiversidad especies amenazadas(españa)",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "aguilar, j.s. y fernÁndez, g. (1998): censo de águila pescadora pandion haliaetus en mallorca 1998. conselleria de medi ambient, ordenació del territori i litoral (inédito). ..bernis, f (1980): la migración de las aves en el estrecho de gibraltar. vol. i. aves planeadoras. universidad complutense. madrid...birdlife international/ european birds census council (2000): european birds populations: estimates and trends. cambridge, uk: birdlife international. (birdlife conservation series nº 10)...casado, e. (1999): viabilidad de la reintroducción del Águila pescadora (pandion haliaetus) en costas, estuarios y pantanos de andalucía. estación de doñana-csic. informe inédito. consejería de medio ambiente. junta de andalucía...dÍaz, g. trujillo, o. &hernÁndez, e. (1986): situación del águila pescadora (pandion haliaetus) en canarias. bol. est. centr. ecol., 15: 67-72...franco, a. & rodriguez, m. (coord.) (2001): libro rojo de los vertebrados amenazados de andalucía. consejería de medio ambiente. junta de andalucía...gena (2000): control y seguimiento de los ecosistemas del refugion nacional de caza de las islas chafarinas. informe inédito. organismo autónomo de parques nacionales. ministerio de medio ambiente...gonzÁlez, g., j.m. santiago y l. fernÁndez (1992): el águila pescadora (pandion haliaetus) en españa. icona. madrid...mÁÑez, m. (2001): águila pescadora, p.131-132, in: libro rojo de los vertebrados amenazados de andalucía. consejería de medio ambiente. junta de andalucía. 336 pp...mejÍas, r. y j. amengual (2000): libro rojo de los vertebrados de las baleares. documents tecnics de conservació. ii época, nº 8...nores , c. y garcia-rovÉs, p (coord.) (2007): libro rojo de la fauna del principado de asturias. gobierno del principado de asturias...palacios, c. (2001): situación actual y distribución de las aves rapaces en las islas canarias. primeras jornadas medioambientales de fuerteventura. morro jable (pájara). inédito...poole, a.f. (1989): ospreys: a natural and unnatural history. cambridge press. cambridge...siverio, m. (2000): el macizo de teno, uno de los principales enclaves para la avifauna en tenerife. makaronesia, 2: 71-78. ..thibault, j.c. y o. patrimonio (1989): note sur les ouvements des jeunes balbuzards pêcheurs nés en corse. l´oiseaux et rfo, 59: 171-175...triay, r. (1993): evolución y conservación del águila pescadora en las islas baleares. quercus, 90: 6-11...triay, r. (1994): conservació de l´águila peixetera (pandion haliaetus) a l´illa de menorca. a.o.b., 8: 15-20...triay, r. (1999): l´águila peixetera (pandion haliaetus) a l´illa de menorca. institut menorquí destudis. informe inédito...triay, r. y m. siverio (2003): Águila pescadora. en: marti y del moral (eds.) atlas de las aves reproductoras de españa. dgcn/seo. madrid...triay, r. y m. siverio (2004): Águila pescadora (pandion haliaetus). libro rojo de las aves de españa. dgcn/seo. madrid...triay, r. y m. siverio (2004): tendidos y molestias humanas, un revés para el águila pescadora. quercus 217: 64-65. ..viada, c. &triay, r. (1991): pla de conservació del rapinyaires de les illes balears. documents tècnics de conservació. conselleria dagricultura i pesca. govern balear. sefobasa. palma de mallorca...vicens, p. (2004): evolució de la població dels ardeids al parc natural de salbufera de mallorca.anuari ornitològic de les balears 2003, vol. 18: 27-36."
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "banks, r. c., r. w. mcdiarmid, a. l. gardner, and w. c. starnes (2003) checklist of vertebrates of the united states, the u.s. territories, and canada"
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "banks, r. c., r. w. mcdiarmid, and a. l. gardner (1987) checklist of vertebrates of the united states, the u.s. territories, and canada: resource publication, no. 166"
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "banks, r.c., r.w. mcdiarmid, and a.l. gardner. 1987. checklist of vertebrates of the united states, the u.s. territories, and canada. u.s. fish and wildlife service resource publication no. 166. 79 p."
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "brown, l.h., e.k. urban & k. newman (1982). the birds of africa, volume i. academic press, london."
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "gallardo, j. c., v. macías, and e. velarde. 2009. birds (vertebrata: aves) of the gulf of mexico, pp. 1321–1342 in felder, d.l. and d.k. camp (eds.), gulf of mexico–origins, waters, and biota. biodiversity. texas a&m press, college station, texas."
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "gill, frank, and minturn wright (2006) birds of the world: recommended english names"
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "gill, frank, and minturn wright (2006) birds of the world: recommended english names"
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "grand manan whale and seabird research station."
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "itis database"
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "linkletter, l. e. (1977). a checklist of marine fauna and flora of the bay of fundy. <em>huntsman marine laboratory, st. andrews, n.b.</em> 68: p."
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "muller, y. (2004). faune et flore du littoral du nord, du pas-de-calais et de la belgique: inventaire. [coastal fauna and flora of the nord, pas-de-calais and belgium: inventory]. <em>commission régionale de biologie région nord pas-de-calais: france.</em> 307 pp."
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "peterson, r.t. and v.m. peterson. 2002. a field guide to the birds of eastern and central north america. fifth edition. peterson field guide series. houghton mifflin company. new york. 427 p."
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "robbins, c. s. (1983). golden field guide to birds of north america. golden press. 360p."
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "squires, h.j. 1990. decapod crustacea of the atlantic coast of canada. canadian bulletin of fisheries and aquatic sciences 221. 532 p."
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
"dcterms:bibliographiccitation": "vanner, m. 2003. the encyclopedia of north american birds. paragon publishing. bath. 383 p."
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"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:language": "pt",
"dwc:vernacularname": "águia-pescadora / águia-pesqueira"
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "inventario nacional biodiversidad especies amenazadas(españa)",
"dwc:vernacularname": "Águia pescadora"
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:language": "pt",
"dcterms:source": "the european nature information system (eunis)",
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"coreid": "2480726",
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"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "aves del valle de sibundoy, alto putumayo-colombia.",
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"coreid": "2480726",
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"dcterms:source": "the european nature information system (eunis)",
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"dcterms:source": "inventario nacional biodiversidad especies amenazadas(españa)",
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"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "inventario nacional biodiversidad especies amenazadas(españa)",
"dwc:vernacularname": "Águila pescadora"
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "inventario nacional biodiversidad especies amenazadas(españa)",
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"dcterms:source": "integrated taxonomic information system (itis)",
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"dcterms:language": "fr",
"dwc:vernacularname": "balbuzard pêcheur"
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"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
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"dcterms:source": "colaboraciones americanas sobre aves",
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"dcterms:source": "the european nature information system (eunis)",
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"dcterms:language": "tr",
"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
"dwc:vernacularname": "balık kartalı"
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:language": "gd",
"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
"dwc:vernacularname": "coirneach"
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"dcterms:language": "lt",
"dwc:vernacularname": "erelis žuvininkas"
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:language": "it",
"dwc:vernacularname": "falco pescatore"
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"dcterms:language": "it",
"dcterms:source": "the european nature information system (eunis)",
"dwc:vernacularname": "falco pescatore"
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:language": "it",
"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
"dwc:vernacularname": "falco pescatore"
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:language": "de",
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"dwc:vernacularname": "fischadler",
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "belgian species list",
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"coreid": "2480726",
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"dcterms:source": "german wikipedia - species pages",
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"dwc:country": "germany",
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"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:source": "taxon list of animals with german names (worldwide) compiled at the smns",
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"dcterms:source": "the european nature information system (eunis)",
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"dcterms:language": "de",
"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
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"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
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"coreid": "2480726",
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"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
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"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
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"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
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"dcterms:source": "colaboraciones americanas sobre aves",
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"dcterms:source": "integrated taxonomic information system (itis)",
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"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:language": "cy",
"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
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"dcterms:source": "the european nature information system (eunis)",
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"dcterms:source": "the european nature information system (eunis)",
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"dcterms:source": "colaboraciones americanas sobre aves",
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"dcterms:source": "aves del piedemonte andino-amazónico, putumayo-colombia.",
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"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
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"dcterms:source": "the european nature information system (eunis)",
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"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
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"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
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"dcterms:source": "catalogue of life",
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"dcterms:source": "integrated taxonomic information system (itis)",
"dwc:vernacularname": "western osprey"
"coreid": "2480726",
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"dcterms:source": "ioc world bird list, v6.3",
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"coreid": "2480726",
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"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
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"coreid": "2480726",
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"dcterms:source": "the european nature information system (eunis)",
"dwc:vernacularname": "zivju erglis"
"coreid": "2480726",
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"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
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"dcterms:language": "he",
"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
"dwc:vernacularname": "שלך"
"coreid": "2480726",
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"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
"dwc:vernacularname": "Ψαραετός"
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:language": "ru",
"dwc:vernacularname": "Скопа"
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:language": "ru",
"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
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"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:language": "uk",
"dcterms:source": "world register of marine species",
"dwc:vernacularname": "Скопа"
"coreid": "2480726",
"dcterms:language": "zh",
"dwc:vernacularname": "鹗"
"dwc:startDayOfYear": "133",
"dwc:specificEpithet": "haliaetus",
"dwc:countryCode": "US",
"dwc:kingdom": "Animalia",
"dwc:recordedBy": "Tri-State Bird Rescue",
"dwc:order": "Accipitriformes",
"dcterms:references": "http://portal.vertnet.org/o/dmnh/bird?id=82409",
"dcterms:accessRights": "http://vertnet.org/resources/norms.html",
"idigbio:recordIds": [
"dcterms:language": "en",
"dwc:day": "13",
"flag_dwc_taxonomicstatus_added": true,
"id": "a7d95261-c591-11e3-acd2-03413f76937f",
"dwc:establishmentMeans": "native",
"dwc:stateProvince": "Delaware",
"dwc:eventDate": "1994-05-13",
"dwc:collectionID": "http://grbio.org/cool/ywsm-eq6q",
"dwc:institutionCode": "DMNH",
"dwc:collectionCode": "Bird",
"dwc:georeferenceVerificationStatus": "verified by curator",
"dwc:basisOfRecord": "PreservedSpecimen",
"dwc:taxonomicstatus": "accepted",
"dwc:genus": "Pandion",
"dwc:continent": "North America",
"dwc:sex": "female",
"flag_dwc_taxonid_added": true,
"idigbio:siblings": {},
"dwc:phylum": "Chordata",
"gbif:genericname": "pandion",
"flag_dwc_multimedia_added": true,
"dwc:institutionID": "http://biocol.org/urn:lsid:biocol.org:col:34940",
"flag_dwc_parentnameusageid_added": true,
"flag_gbif_taxon_corrected": true,
"dwc:parentnameusageid": "2480725",
"dwc:class": "Aves",
"dwc:taxonid": "2480726",
"flag_gbif_canonicalname_added": true,
"dwc:month": "5",
"dwc:verbatimLocality": "North America | USA | Delaware | Sussex | Rt. 368",
"dwc:verbatimEventDate": "13May1994",
"dwc:recordNumber": "TSBR 94-0417",
"idigbio:isocountrycode": "usa",
"dwc:georeferenceProtocol": "VertNet Georeferencing Guidelines",
"dcterms:modified": "2011-02-08 01:11:42.0",
"dwc:scientificName": "Pandion haliaetus",
"dwc:year": "1994"
"hasMedia": false,
"coordinateuncertainty": 2410,
"class": "aves",
"occurrenceid": "a7d95261-c591-11e3-acd2-03413f76937f",
"institutionid": "http://biocol.org/urn:lsid:biocol.org:col:34940",
"country": "united states",
"locality": "rt. 368",
"collectioncode": "bird",
"canonicalname": "pandion haliaetus",
"eventdate": "1994-05-13",
"flags": [
"verbatimeventdate": "13may1994",
"taxonomicstatus": "accepted",
"recordids": [
"genus": "pandion",
"order": "accipitriformes",
"datasetid": "7ddf754f-d193-4cc9-b351-99906754a03b"
"attribution": {
"uuid": "605bb19b-7564-4e6d-a5df-8ec841d68ba0",
"name": "DMNH Birds",
"description": "The bird collection consists of approximately 67,000 study skins, 2,500 spread wings and 9,000 skeletons. The holdings represent about 4,000 bird species. About 140 taxa are in the type collection. The collection, worldwide in scope, has especially strong holdings of Philippine and Central and South American birds. Extinct species are also represented. Formation of the collection began when the Museum was founded in 1957. Among the collections that can be found here are those of George Miksch Sutton, Allan R. Phillips, Olin S. Pettingill, D.S. Rabor, M. Hachisuka and specimens from Charles Sibley's expeditions in 1975-1977 .",
"url": "http://www.delmnh.org/birds/",
"emllink": "http://ipt.vertnet.org:8080/ipt/eml.do?r=dmnh_birds",
"archivelink": "http://ipt.vertnet.org:8080/ipt/archive.do?r=dmnh_birds",
"contacts": [
"first_name": "Jean L.",
"last_name": "Woods, Ph.D.",
"role": "Curator of Birds",
"email": "jwoods@delmnh.org"
"first_name": "Jean L.",
"last_name": "Woods, Ph.D.",
"role": "Curator of Birds",
"email": "jwoods@delmnh.org"
"data_rights": "CC0",
"publisher": "842a2bb5-d705-4d6c-8401-abf3ca28c05d",
"totalCount": 76380