iDigBio Bibliography
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3D models and K12 material on whales from Cerro Ballena, Chile,
, Carr 211, (2015)
Accelerating Taxonomic Discovery Through Automated Character Extraction,
, Zootaxa, Volume 2217, p.43-55, (2009)
Accelerating Taxonomic Discovery Through Automated Character Extraction,
, Zootaxa, Volume 2217, p.43-55, (2009)
Aiming Up: Natural History Collections as Emerging Resources for Innovative Undergraduate Education in Biology,
, BioScience, 08/2014, Volume 64, Issue 8, (2014)
Aiming Up: Natural History Collections as Emerging Resources for Innovative Undergraduate Education in Biology,
, BioScience, 08/2014, Volume 64, Issue 8, (2014)
Atlas of Living Australia,
, Recorded Presentation, (2014)
Atlas of Living Australia,
, (2014)
Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2013 Symposium Talk: Creating a semantic framework for cultivated plants for the international e-collaboration on agrobiodiversity,
, TDWG 2013 Annual Conference, 10/2013, Florence, Italy, (2013)
Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2013 Symposium Talk: Creating a semantic framework for cultivated plants for the international e-collaboration on agrobiodiversity,
, TDWG 2013 Annual Conference, 10/2013, Florence, Italy, (2013)
Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2013 Symposium Talk: Use it or lose it: Crowdsourcing support and outreach activities in a hybrid sustainability model for e-infrastructures – The ViBRANT project case studies,
, TDWG 2013 Annual Conference, 10/2013, Florence, Italy, (2013)
CITScribe Hackathon Development Track 2,
, (2013)
CITScribe Hackathon Development Track 3,
, (2013)
Closing the gap - building a strong and productive network between amateurs and professionals in Paleontology.,
, 2015 GSA Annual Meeting, 11/2015, Baltimore, Maryland, (2015)
Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria,
, (2013)
Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria,
, (2013)