iDigBio Bibliography
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Introduction to Sernec,
, (2015)
Introduction to Web APIs,
, (2015)
Keeping an Eye on Biology,
, Science, 01/2013, Volume 339, Issue 6118, p.408-409, (2013)
Keeping an Eye on Biology,
, Science, 01/2013, Volume 339, Issue 6118, p.408-409, (2013)
Keeping an Eye on Biology,
, Science, 01/2013, Volume 339, Issue 6118, p.408-409, (2013)
Keynote: High-Resolution X-ray CT in Every Classroom: ImageJ and,
, Carr 211, (2015)
Lifemapper's species distribution modeling based on iDigBio Biocollections,
, SPNHC 2015, (2015)
A list of U.S.-based natural history collections,
, SPNHC 2015, (2015)
Making it count: Citizen science activities in the classroom contribute to our understanding of biodiversity,
, FCR-STEM 2015 Conference, 12/2015, Orlando, FL, (2015)
Managing Digitization Projects with Biospex. ,
, (2014)
Mapping Life: Quality Assessment of Novice and Computer Automated vs. Expert Georeferences,
, TDWG 2015, (2015)
Mapping Specifications for Ranked Hierarchical Trees in Data Integration Systems,
, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI 2014), San Francisco, California, USA, (2014)
Meeting report: Identifying practical applications of ontologies for biodiversity informatics,
, Standards in Genomic Sciences C7 - 25, Volume 10, p.1-6, (2015)
Mississippi Herbaria Consortium,
, (2013)
Mississippi Herbaria Consortium,
, (2012)
More data than we know what to do with? Biodiversity informatics skills needs in the research data pipeline,
, TDWG 2015, (2015)
Moving Data to iDigBio and Other Aggregators ,
, (2014)
Mutually Beneficial Symbiosis of Data,
, (2014)
National Specimen Information Infrastructure of China,
, Recorded Presentation, (2014)