iDigBio Bibliography

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Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Digitisation of Insect Collection at the British Museum of Natural History,, Blagoderov, Vladimir , (2015)
Digitization at the NCSU Insect Museum and the Frost Entomological Museum, Deans, Andy , (2015)
Digitization workflow , Smith, Julianne , (2015)
Digitization workflows, American Society of Mammalogists, Nelson, Gil , (2015)
Digitizing catalog and ledger data for scientific research , Salcedo, Norma , (2015)
Digitizing Dried Insects: Getting Started, Thayer, Margaret, and Sierwald Petra , (2015)
Digitizing, managing and future proofing media yourself , Budney, Greg, and Medler Matt , (2015)
Discussion 1: What should be preserved? , Nelson, Gil , (2015)
Discussion 2: How to preserve biodiversity media? , Scholes, Ed , (2015)
Discussion 3: Maximizing scientific impact , Riccardi, Greg , (2015)
Discussion 4: Databasing and linking , Winkler, David , (2015)
Endless Forms, Most Useful, Tripp, Erin , (2015)
Enhancing your ecological research with iDigBio biological specimen data, Paul, Deborah L., and Ellwood Elizabeth R. , Ecological Society of America, (2015)
ePandda Project: increasing accessibility to digitized data from the paleontological and neontological communities, Smith, Dena M., Butts Susan H., Gall Lawrence, Karim Talia S., Landman Neil H., Nelson Gil, Norris Christopher A., Sessa Jocelyn A., and Uhen Mark D. , 2015 GSA Annual Meeting, 2015, Baltimore, Maryland, (2015)
Evidence of Evolution: Darwin’s Cabinet of Curiosities, Middleton, Susan , (2015)
The Fairbanks Museum: a small, rural, New England Natural History Museum’s Challenge to Adapt, Prondzinski, Mary Beth , (2015)
Field Reach perspective, iDigBio , (2015)
Field to Database Day 1: 10:30am- 11:30am, iDigBio , (2015)
Field to Database Day 1: 4:00pm- 5:00pm, iDigBio , (2015)
Field to Database Day 1: 8:30am- 10:00am, iDigBio , (2015)
Field to Database Day 2: 11:30am- 12:30pm, iDigBio , (2015)
Field to Database Day 2: 1:30pm- 2:30pm, iDigBio , (2015)
Field to Database Day 2: 1:45pm- 5:00pm, iDigBio , (2015)
Field to Database Day 2: 9:00am- 10:00am, iDigBio , (2015)
Field to Database Day 3: 1:30pm- 3:30pm, iDigBio , (2015)


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