iDigBio Bibliography
Digitization workflow ,
, (2015)
Discussion 1: What should be preserved? ,
, (2015)
Discussion 3: Maximizing scientific impact ,
, (2015)
Discussion 4: Databasing and linking ,
, (2015)
Endless Forms, Most Useful,
, (2015)
Enhancing your ecological research with iDigBio biological specimen data,
, Ecological Society of America, (2015)
ePandda Project: increasing accessibility to digitized data from the paleontological and neontological communities,
, 2015 GSA Annual Meeting, 2015, Baltimore, Maryland, (2015)
The Fairbanks Museum: a small, rural, New England Natural History Museum’s Challenge to Adapt,
, (2015)
Field Reach perspective,
, (2015)
Field to Database Day 1: 4:00pm- 5:00pm,
, (2015)
Field to Database Day 1: 8:30am- 10:00am,
, (2015)
Field to Database Day 2: 1:30pm- 2:30pm,
, (2015)
Field to Database Day 2: 1:45pm- 5:00pm,
, (2015)
Field to Database Day 2: 9:00am- 10:00am,
, (2015)
Field to Database Day 3: 1:30pm- 3:30pm,
, (2015)