iDigBio Bibliography

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iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: Rapid Digitization of the World's Largest Herbarium, Michiels, Henri , (2012)
Introduction to Web APIs, Michonneau, Francois, and Daly Joanne , (2015)
A list of U.S.-based natural history collections, Michonneau, François, and Page Larry M. , SPNHC 2015, (2015)
Providing the computing skills for the next generation of biodiversity scientists, Michonneau, François, and Paul Deborah L. , SPNHC 2015, (2015)
Evidence of Evolution: Darwin’s Cabinet of Curiosities, Middleton, Susan , (2015)
iConference2013: Linking Data -- Biodiversity Heritage Library -- supporting knowledge discovery from digitized content, Mignault, John , (2013)
Installing and Setting Up Specify , Miller, Theresa , (2013)
Why We Have Natural History Collections, Miller, Scott , (2014)
3D Imaging of Fossils Using Close-Range Photogrammetry , Miller, Dan , (2014)
PhyloJIVE (and others): Integrating biodiversity data with the Tree of Life, Miller, Joe , (2014)
PhyloJIVE: Integrating biodiversity data with the Tree of Life, Miller, Joe , (2014)
iDigBio Botany 2012 Symposium: Integrative research using digitized specimens: examples from the Consortium of California Herbaria, Mishler, Brent, and Mcdade Lucinda , (2012)
Creating workflows for effective data migration and imaging in an invertebrate paleontology collection, Molineux, Ann , (2013)
Avocational paleontologists and volunteers:critical partners, Molineux, Ann, McCall Linda, and Geigerman Faye , (2014)
SPNHC 2014: Progress in Digitization: The virtually browseable collection: connecting GIS to whole drawer imaging, Molineux, Ann, Burroughs Robert W., and Geigerman Faye , (2014)
Attaching images to database records , Molineux, Ann , (2014)
Digitizing 35mm Slides, Monahan, Laura Halversn , (2013)
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: "Organizing, implementing and utilizing a digitized small herbarium: Plans for an iDigBio Visiting Scholar Fellowship", Monfils, Anna , (2012)
IDigBio Summit II: iDigBio 2012 Visiting Scholar, Monfils, Anna , (2012)
IDigBio Summit II: Outreach Discussion Session, Monfils, Anna , (2012)
Organizing, Executing and Utilizing a Digitized Regional Herbarium, Monfils, Anna , (2013)
Digitization of the Central Michigan University Herbarium, Monfils, Anna , (2013)
The Potential Impacts of Working in Collections as an Undergraduate, Monfils, Anna, and Ellis Shari , (2014)
Recruiting, Supporting, and Retaining Small Collections in Biodiversity Digitization, Monfils, Anna , (2014)
Undergraduates in natural history collections: What are the educational gains and how can we make the experience more impactful?, Monfils, Anna, and Ellis Shari , (2014)
