iDigBio Bibliography

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Recorded Presentation
Herbarium data in support of biodiversity research: Opportunities and Challenges, Denslow, Michael , (2013)
How Many Species are There? The Continuing Challenges of Describing Biological Diversity - Dr. Roland Roberts, Roberts, Roland P. , (2013)
How to get onto Specify, iDigBio , (2014)
I downloaded 3D fossils for the classroom, and then what? An intro to open source 3D modeling software., Grant, Claudia , Carr 221, (2015)
iDigBio and its Role in Enabling Biodiversity Research, Soltis, Pamela S. , (2014)
iDigBio API Pre-Hackathon Webinar 2015, iDigBio , (2015)
iDIgBio Appliances, iDigBio , (2015)
iDigBio Architecture, iDigBio , (2015)
iDigBio Data Ingestion, iDigBio , (2015)
iDigBio Infrastructure, iDigBio , (2015)
iDigBio Introduction, Nelson, Gil , Carr 211, (2015)
iDigBio Research Tools, iDigBio , (2015)
iDigBio Search Demo, Nelson, Gil , Carr 211, (2015)
iDigBio Search Portal, iDigBio , (2015)
iDigBio Search Portal CYWG, Fortes, Jose , Recorded Presentation, (2014)
Imaging Fishes, Perez, Mark Sabaj , (2013)
In Defense of Specimen Collecting, Natural History Collections, and Bioethics, Page, Larry , (2015)
Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio) An Introduction, Nelson, Gil , (2013)
Integrating Augmented OCR and Georeferencing in Natural History Collection (NHC) Digitization, Paul, Deborah , (2013)
An Integrative Platform for Research on Environmental Change, Species Discovery and Identification, Dietrich, Chris , (2012)
An Integrative Platform for Research on Environmental Change, Species Discovery and Identification, Dietrich, Chris , (2012)
Interactions, iDigBio , (2014)
Interdisciplinary Exchange, Bjork, Sally , (2013)
Introduction to Digitization: Metadata & Data Standards, Workflows, Photography, and Applied Training, Nelson, Gil , (2013)
Introduction to GeoLocate Project, iDigBio , (2013)
