iDigBio Bibliography

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Recorded Presentation
Session 2-Human Evolution, Boyer, Doug , Carr 221, (2015)
Session 2- Horse Evolution in Response to Climate Change, Moran, Sean, and MacFadden Bruce J. , (2015)
Session 1-Teach Deep Time: stratigraphy and ecosystem change over time with Smithsonian collections , Bolton, Amy , Carr 221, (2015)
Session 1-Human Evolution, Boyer, Doug , Carr 221, (2015)
Session 1- Horse Evolution in Response to Climate Change, Moran, Sean, and MacFadden Bruce , CAR 222, (2015)
Security, iDigBio , (2014)
Schema config, iDigBio , (2014)
SCAN: A Data Portal Built to Visualize, Manipulate, and Export Species Occurrences, Cobb, Neil , Recorded Presentation, (2014)
Research Coordination & Scientific Community Outreach: Summit 2014, Soltis, Pamela S. , Recorded Presentation, (2014)
Reports, iDigBio , (2014)
Querying, iDigBio , (2014)
Public Participation in Digitization, Mast, Austin, and Dunckel Betty , (2012)
Preparing for Upper Division Courses: Strategies for Success, Bickel, Amy , (2013)
Preferences, iDigBio , (2014)
Pre-digitization Curation for Fluid Collections, Robins, Rob , (2013)
Point-Radius Method and Best Practices, iDigBio , (2013)
Plugins, iDigBio , (2014)
Plants, Herbivores, and Parasitoids: A Model System for the study of Tri-Trophic Associations, Seltmann, Katja , Recorded Presentation, (2014)
Plants, Herbivores, and Parasitoids: A Model System for the Study of Tritrophic Associations, Schuh, Toby, Weirauch Christiane, and Seltmann Katja , (2012)
Plants, Herbivores, and Parasitoids: A Model System for the Study of Tri-trophic Associations, Naczi, Robert, Rabeler Richard, and Seltmann Katja , (2013)
PhyloJIVE: Integrating biodiversity data with the Tree of Life, Miller, Joe , (2014)
Part II CoGe: Collaborative Georeferencing , iDigBio , (2014)
Paleoniches:digitizing fossils to enable new syntheses in biogeography, Farrell, Una , (2013)
Paleoniches: digitizing fossils to enable new syntheses in biogeography, Farrell, Una , Recorded Presentation, (2014)
Outsider's view inside NSF: Trends and Tips, MacFadden, Bruce, and Beaman Reed , (2014)
