iDigBio Bibliography
Mobilizing New England vascular plant data to track environmental change: Education & Outreach,
, (2013)
IDigBio Summit II: Mobilizing New England Vascular Plant Data to Track Environmental Changes,
, (2012)
Mobilizing New England vascular plant data to track environmental change,
, Recorded Presentation, (2014)
Transforming accessibility to the rich, site-based, multi-taxon collections of field stations; a case study from Archbold Biological Station,
, SPNHC 2015, (2015)
The Value of Museum Collections for Research and Society,
, BioScience, 01/2004, Volume 54, Issue 1, p.69-74, (2004)
The Value of Museum Collections for Research and Society,
, BioScience, 01/2004, Volume 54, Issue 1, p.69-74, (2004)
Embarking on the Path to Sustainability,
, (2013)
Lifemapper's species distribution modeling based on iDigBio Biocollections,
, SPNHC 2015, (2015)
Object Recognition in Herbarium Specimens,
, ICDM 2011 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 09/2011, Vancouver, Canada, (2011)
Recognition of Humboldt's Handwriting in Complex Surroundings,
, 12th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR), 11/2010, Kolkata, (2010)