iDigBio Bibliography

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iDigDevelopment: The Process Approach to Fundraising & the iDigBio Workshop Questions, Haskins, Katherine , (2014)
Image Capture and Processing: Imaging herbarium specimens , Bala, Janet , (2014)
Imaging 3D objects (birds, mammals, butterflies) with stacking for deep focus , Nelson, Gil , (2014)
Imaging Standards and Workflows for Dried Insect Collections , Thomas, Jennifer , (2014)
Imaging station set­up and configuration , Burkhalter, Roger J. , (2014)
Imaging workflows, equipment configuration, and challenges for 3D objects in drawers and trays , Mayer, Paul S. , (2014)
iNaturalist Workshop Presentation, Ueda, Ken-ichi , (2014)
Insect Soups: Enabling access to an underutilised and valuable resource, Flemons, Paul , (2014)
Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio) An Introduction, Nelson, Gil , (2014)
Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio) An Introduction, Nelson, Gil , (2014)
Interactions, iDigBio , (2014)
Intro to Data Standards , McCaffrey, Joanna , (2014)
Intro to iDigBio, Paul, Deb , (2014)
Intro to iDigBio, Soltis, Pam , (2014)
Introduction to iDigBio, Nelson, Gil , (2014)
Introduction to iDigBio, Nelson, Gil , (2014)
Introduction to iDigBio , Nelson, Gil , (2014)
Introduction to Summit IV; Overview, Progress and Challenges, Page, Larry M. , (2014)
Introduction to the Five Task Clusters of Digitization, Paul, Deborah L. , (2014)
Invertebrate Zoology Workflow and Digitization with marine invertebrates, Bolick, Holly , (2014)
InvertNet: 2013-14 Progress and Goals, Dietrich, Chris , (2014)
InvertNet: 2013-14 Progress and Goals, Dietrich, Chris , Recorded Presentation, (2014)
InvertNet and Education/Outreach: The UW-Madison Insect Research Collection, Young, Daniel K. , (2014)
IPT, iDigBio , (2014)
The Key to the Cabinets to Building and Sustaining a Research Database for a Global Biodiversity Hotspot, Murrell, Zack , (2014)
