iDigBio Bibliography

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Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2013 Symposium Talk: Potential Refinement of the BARCODE Data Standard for Forensic Application: The Barcode of Wildlife Project, Schindel, David E. , TDWG 2013 Annual Conference, 10/2013, Florence, Italy, (2013)
Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2013 Symposium Talk: Strategies and partnerships for enabling infrastructure sustainability, Maglia, Anne , TDWG 2013 Annual Conference, 10/2013, Florence, Italy, (2013)
Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2013 Symposium Talk: Success (and challenges) in broadening participation and engagement in digitization, Paul, Deborah L. , TDWG 2013 Annual Conference, 10/2013, Florence, Italy, (2013)
Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2013 Symposium Talk: The elements of collaboration in TDWG, Blum, Stanley , TDWG 2013 Annual Conference, 10/2013, Florence, Italy, (2013)
Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2013 Symposium Talk: Use it or lose it: Crowdsourcing support and outreach activities in a hybrid sustainability model for e-infrastructures – The ViBRANT project case studies, Koureas, Dimitrios, Livermore Laurence, Roberts Dave, and Smith Vincent , TDWG 2013 Annual Conference, 10/2013, Florence, Italy, (2013)
Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) 2013 Symposium Talk: We can foster collaboration and improve the results of biodiversity informatics, Saraiva, Antonio Maura , TDWG 2013 Annual Conference, 10/2013, Florence, Italy, (2013)
The Botanical Information and Ecology Network (BIEN): A research and collections collaboration to investigate the ecological impacts of global climate change on plant biodiversity, Thiers, Barbara , (2013)
Botanical Research Institute of Texas, , (2013)
Broadening Diversity in the Biological Sciences: Reaching Out to Underrepresented Populations, Nelson, Gil , (2013)
Burke Museum, Genetic Resources Collection, , (2013)
Calbug Digitization, CalBug California Arthropod Collections, Yim, Jun Ling , (2013)
CalBug: Digitizing California Arthropod Collections: Scanning Microscope Slides, Oboyski, Peter T. , (2013)
California Academy of Sciences, Center for Comparative Genomics CryoCollection, , (2013)
California Department of Food and Agriculture, California State Collection of Arthropods Frozen Tissue Collection, , (2013)
Career Tracks in Biology, Bart, Jr., Henry , (2013)
Career Tracks in Biology, Germaine-Aubrey, Charlotte , (2013)
Career Tracks in the Biological Science, Bart, Jr., Hank , (2013)
Careers and Graduate Study in Biological Sciences Workshop. Preparing for a Biology Major, Logiudice, Frank , (2013)
Careers in Biology, Germaine-Aubrey, Charlotte , (2013)
Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Mammal Collection, , (2013)
Challenges and Efficiencies of organizing an ADBC TCN project on Southeast Freshwater Macrofauna, Bart, Hank , (2013)
Challenges to making paleontological data usable for a broader audience, Holroyd, Pat , (2013)
Cincinnati Museum of Natural History, Department of Zoology, , (2013)
CITScribe Hackathon Development Track 1, iDigBio , (2013)
CITScribe Hackathon Development Track 2, Lim, Jun Ying, Kirchgessner Anthony, Matthews Al, and McCallum Chuck , (2013)
