iDigBio Bibliography

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Improving OCR Inputs from OCR Outputs, Brumfield, Ben , (2013)
Improvement of Omnipage18's Efficiency, Steinke, KH , IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering (CSAE 2012), 05/2012, Zhangjiajie, (2012)
Imaging Workflows for the Digitization of Dry-preserved Vertebrate Specimens, , (2016)
Imaging workflows, equipment configuration, and challenges for 3D objects in drawers and trays , Mayer, Paul S. , (2014)
Imaging wet collections , Bentley, Andy , (2015)
Imaging wet collections , Williston, Andy , (2015)
Imaging Techniques in the study of Fossil Spiders, Selden, Paul A. , (2013)
Imaging Strategies, Tools, and Software (Visionary Digital), Larimer, Roy , (2015)
Imaging station set­up and configuration , Burkhalter, Roger J. , (2014)
Imaging Standards & Equipment Recommendations, McCaffrey, Joanna , (2015)
Imaging Standards and Workflows for Dried Insect Collections , Thomas, Jennifer , (2014)
Imaging spiders for South Dakota Spider Survey: challenges and frustrations, L. Patrick, Brian , (2013)
Imaging Priorities:What to database and image? , Hagemann, Molly , (2015)
Imaging of Specimens: Issues to be Considered, Speers, Larry , (2009)
Imaging in amber, Grimaldi, Dave , (2013)
Imaging Fishes, Perez, Mark Sabaj , (2013)
Imaging Birds and Mammals , Nelson, Gil , (2015)
Imaging alcohol-preserved Arachnids using a Visionary Digital System, Hedin, Marshal , (2013)
Imaging 3D objects (birds, mammals, butterflies) with stacking for deep focus , Nelson, Gil , (2014)
Image Ingestion at iDigBio, Liu, Yonggang , (2013)
Image Capture and Processing: Imaging herbarium specimens , Bala, Janet , (2014)
Image Capture and Processing: An Overview, Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria, Legler, Ben , (2010)
iDigDevelopment: The Process Approach to Fundraising & the iDigBio Workshop Questions, Haskins, Katherine , (2014)
iDigBio Workshops/Working/ Interest Groups E & I/O Resources & Potential, Paul, Deborah , (2014)
iDigBio: using museum collections specimen data to improve biodiversity measures, Germain-Aubrey, Charlotte C., Allen Julie M., Guralnick Robert, Neubig Kurt M., Ponciano Jose Miguel, Lamy Thomas, Soltis Douglas E., Mischler Brent, Laffan S., Majure Lucas, et al. , Research Data Alliiance Sixth Plenary Meeting, Paris, France, 09/2015, Paris, France, (2016)
