iDigBio Bibliography

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Funding the Digitization of Primary Source Materials, Thiers, Barbara , (2014)
Gamefication of NfN, Allen, Julie , (2013)
GBIF and iDigBio, Hobern, Donald , (2014)
GBIF data: research use cases (in Portuguese), Hirsch, Tim , (2014)
GBIF Global Perspectives (in Portuguese), Hirsch, Tim , (2014)
Geographical Concepts, Rios, Nelson , (2013)
Geolocate: A Platform for Georeferencing Natural History Collection Data , Rios, Nelson E. , (2015)
Geolocate (Lightening Talk), Bart, Hank , (2013)
Georeferencing at the Field Museum, Grant, Sharon , (2013)
Georeferencing Calculator Example, Bloom, Dave , (2013)
Georeferencing Choices, Paul, Deborah , (2013)
Georeferencing Introductions: Collaboration to Automation, Bloom, Dave , (2013)
Georeferencing Natural History Collection Data: The GEOLocate Project, Rios, Nelson , (2013)
Georeferencing Paleontology Collections, Farrell, Una, and Utrup Jessica , (2013)
Georeferencing the past, present, and future, Paul, Deborah , (2014)
Georeferencing The Star Herbarium, iDigBio , (2013)
Georeferencing Train-the-Trainers Survey Results, Ellis, Shari , (2013)
Georeferencing using KE EMu, , (2013)
Georeferencing Using Paper Maps, Utrup, Jessica , (2013)
Gepreferencing Concepts and Locality Types , Farell, Una , (2013)
Getting a Collection Ready for Digitization , Roberts, Dawn , (2014)
Getting an insect collection ready for digitization at the Illinois Natural History Survey’s InvertNet project , Dmitriev, Dmitry , (2014)
Getting Collections Ready for Digitization: Fishes and a Tale of Two Bar Codes , Donaldson, Terry , (2014)
Getting Started at AMNH, Johnson, Chris , (2013)
Getting started: Digitizing Multiple Small Collections at UCSB, Hannah, Laurie , (2015)


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