iDigBio Bibliography

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iDigBio Botany 2012 Symposium: "The Macrofungi Collection Consortium(MaCC): Unlocking a Biodiversity Resource for Understanding Biotic Interactions, Nutrient Cycling and Human Affairs", Thiers, Barbara M. , (2012)
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: A Library Science Perspective on Digitization, Heidorn, Bryan , (2012)
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: An Industrial Engineer’s Perspective on Digitization, Eastwood, Rod , (2012)
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: Best Practices for Managing and Motivating the Digitizers, Gall, Larry , (2012)
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: "Databasing and digitization of a smaller herbarium at a smaller institution: it CAN be done and funded, too", Dolan, Rebecca W. , (2012)
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: Encyclopedia of Life Tools, Schulz, Katja , (2012)
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: Filtered-Push, Macklin, James , (2012)
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: Imaging Guidelines and Image Archiving Policy at The New York Botanical Garden, Bevans, Michael , (2012)
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: Implementing Optical Character Recognition in Herbarium Digitization Workflows: Current practices and challenges, Gottschalk, Stephen , (2012)
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: Integrating botanical and herbarium databases, Brown, Bethany H., Hipp Andrew L., and Hedborn Edward A. , (2012)
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: iPlant Tools, Matasci, Naim , (2012)
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: Morphbank, Paul, Deborah L. , (2012)
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: "Organizing, implementing and utilizing a digitized small herbarium: Plans for an iDigBio Visiting Scholar Fellowship", Monfils, Anna , (2012)
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: Rapid Digitization of the World's Largest Herbarium, Michiels, Henri , (2012)
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: SilverBiology, Giddens, Michael , (2012)
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: Specify, Bentley, Andrew , (2012)
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: SWITCH (SouthWest Idaho: The Comprehensive Herbarium), DiNicola, Alexa, Mansfield Don, and Smith James , (2012)
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: The Five Task Clusters of Digitization, Nelson, Gil , (2012)
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: The Projeto Flora Amazo_nica field books: An excellent resource for improving data input efficiency, Asencio, Shannon D. , (2012)
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: The Strategic Plan for Establishing a Network Integrated Biocollections Alliance, Skog, Judith , (2012)
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: The Swingle Plant Anatomy Collection: Making the case for digitizing unusual natural history collections, Whitlock, Barbara A. , (2012)
iDigBio Botany 2012 Workshop: Tri-Trophic Digitization Strategies, Watson, Kimberly, and Tulig Melissa , (2012)
iDigBio Cyberinfrastructure, Partnerships and Data, Fortes, Jose , (2013)
iDigBio Data Ingestion, iDigBio , (2015)
iDigBio Data Ingestion Requirements and Guidelines, Thompson, Alex , (2013)
