iDigBio Bibliography

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Los Angeles County Natural History Museum, , (2013)
Looking for treasures in a megadiverse country: natural collections in Ecuador, Segovia-Salcedo, María C., Acosta-Buenaño Néstor A., and Camacho Luis Carrasco , (2015)
The long history and current digitization of the University of Hawaii Insect Museum, Caesar, Ryan , (2014)
A list of U.S.-based natural history collections, Michonneau, François, and Page Larry M. , SPNHC 2015, (2015)
Linking Heterogeneous Data in Biodiversity , Soltis, Pamela , (2015)
Linking collections to related resources: Multi-scale, multi-dimensional, multi-disciplinary collaborative research in biodiversity. Is this a “Big Data” paradigm? , Beaman, Reed , (2014)
Lightning Talk:The Macrofungi Collections Consortium, Elisens, Wayne, and Ovrebo Clark , (2014)
Lightning Talk:The East Texas Natural History Collections , Godwin, Will , (2014)
Lightning Talk:ScioQualis , Fenstermacher, Jocelyn , (2014)
Lightning Talk:Pineywoods Plants Digital Gallery , Van Kley, James , (2014)
Lightning Talk:Modernization and Digitization of the Angelo State Natural History Collections , Revelez, Marcia , (2014)
Lightning Talk:Herbarium Digitization Activities in Oklahoma , Elisens, Wayne , (2014)
Lightening round: Challenges to small collections-recruitment and retention, Carter, Richard , (2014)
Lifemapper's species distribution modeling based on iDigBio Biocollections, Stewart, Aimee, Matsunaga Andréa, Beach James H., Grady C.J., Cavner Jeffrey, and Fortes José A. B. , SPNHC 2015, (2015)
Lichens and Bryophytes, Thomas, Michael , (2014)
Leveraging library resources for storing and curating media (images primarily) associated with specimens , Prestridge, Heather , (2015)
Leveraging Lessons from Museum Studies: Colonial Histories and Ethical Obligations , kosasa, Karen / , (2014)
Leveraging Digitization: Wednesday 8:30am -10:00am, iDigBio , (2014)
Leveraging Digitization: Wednesday 3:00pm-5:00pm, iDigBio , (2014)
Leveraging Digitization: Wednesday 10:15am-12:00pm, iDigBio , (2014)
Leveraging Digitization: Wednesday 1:00pm-2:00pm, iDigBio , (2014)
Leveraging Digitization: Tuesday 8:30am -10:30am, iDigBio , (2014)
Leveraging Digitization: Tuesday 1:15pm-2:00pm, iDigBio , (2014)
Leveraging Digitization: Tuesday 11:00am-12:30pm, iDigBio , (2014)
Learning in Collections , Rochon, Ingrid , (2014)


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