iDigBio Bibliography

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I downloaded 3D fossils for the classroom, and then what? An intro to open source 3D modeling software., Grant, Claudia , Carr 221, (2015)
ICE2016: Biodiversity informatics skills for collections and research in the 21st Century, Paul, Deborah L., Soltis Pamela S., and Collins Matthew , 2016 XXV International Congress of Entomology, 09/2016, Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Florida, (2016)
The iCollection model for digitising small collections of natural history, Douglas, Lyndsey, Cane Elisa, Wing Peter, Durant Joanna, Mazzetta Gerardo, and Toloni Flavia , (2014)
iConference2013: Augmenting optical character recognition (OCR) for improved digitization: Strategies to access scientific data in natural history collections, Paul, Deborah L., and P. Heidorn Bryan , iConference 2013, 02/2013, Ft. Worth, Texas, (2013)
iConference2013: Digitization of biocollections -- a grand challenge in scope, scale, and significance, Neill, Amanda , (2013)
iConference2013: HERBIS/LABELX -- Machine Learning Approach to Parsing OCR Text, P. Heidorn, Bryan, and Zhang Qianjin , (2013)
iConference2013: Improving the Character of Optical Character Recognition (OCR): iDigBio Augmenting OCR Working Group Seeks Collaborators and Strategies to Improve OCR Output and Parsing of OCR Output, Anglin, Robert, Best Jason, Figueiredo Renato, Gilbert Edward, Gnanasambandam Nathan, Gottschalk Stephen, Haston Elspeth, P. Heidorn Bryan, Lafferty Daryl, Lang Peter, et al. , iConference 2013, 02/2013, Ft. Worth, Texas, (2013)
iConference2013: Introducing iDigBio and the Augmenting OCR Working Group, Paul, Deborah L. , (2013)
iConference2013: Linking Data -- Biodiversity Heritage Library -- supporting knowledge discovery from digitized content, Mignault, John , (2013)
iConference2013: Symbiota -- Creating an OCR and NLP enabled user interface and workflow to efficiently digitize 2.3 million lichen and bryophyte specimens, Gilbert, Edward , (2013)
iConference2013: The Apiary Project: a workflow for text extraction and parsing for herbarium specimens, Best, Jason , (2013)
iConference2013: Workshop -- Help iDigBio Reveal Hidden Data: iDigBio Augmenting OCR Working Group Needs You (#CNFWSP11), Paul, Deborah L., P. Heidorn Bryan, Best Jason, Gilbert Edward, Neill Amanda, Nelson Gil, and Ulate William , iConference2013 Workshop, (2013)
