iDigBio Bibliography

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Conference Paper
Data Carpentry: one comprehensive model for teaching biodiversity informatics data management, research skills, and training instructors, Paul, Deborah L., Teal Tracy K., and Collins Matthew , TDWG 2015, (2015)
Dicerandra: Understanding Past Distributions, Naranjo, Andre, and Soltis Pamela S. , 2016 Florida Rare Plant Task Force Meeting, "Challenges Facing Rare Plants", 04/2016, Bok Tower Gardens, Lake Wales, FL, (2016)
Digitization of Herbarium Specimens, a Collaborative Project, Schmidt, Larry , March 29, 2007, Baltimore, Maryland, (2007)
Enhancing your ecological research with iDigBio biological specimen data, Paul, Deborah L., and Ellwood Elizabeth R. , Ecological Society of America, (2015)
ePandda Project: increasing accessibility to digitized data from the paleontological and neontological communities, Smith, Dena M., Butts Susan H., Gall Lawrence, Karim Talia S., Landman Neil H., Nelson Gil, Norris Christopher A., Sessa Jocelyn A., and Uhen Mark D. , 2015 GSA Annual Meeting, 2015, Baltimore, Maryland, (2015)
Field to database to aggregator and beyond: documenting the flora of Melanesia, James, Shelley A. , Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections 31st Annual Meeting, 06/2016, Berlin, Germany, (2016)
The FOSSIL project: a collaborative community of amateur and professional paleontologists, MacFadden, Bruce J. , 65th Annual Meeting GSA Southeastern Section, 03/2016, Columbia, South Carolina, (2016)
The FOSSIL Project: Engaging amateur fossil clubs and societies as downstream users of digitized data, MacFadden, Bruce J. , 2015 GSA Annual Meeting, 11/2015, Baltimore, Maryland, (2015)
A global survey of natural history collections, Paul, Deborah L., Masinde Siro, Ellis Shari, Krishtalka Leonard, Thiers Barbara M., Ganglo Jean, Dalcin Eduardo, and Nakae Masanori , Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections 31st Annual Meeting, 06/2016, Berlin, Germany, (2016)
Got metadata? GBIF Task Force on accelerating discovery of biological collections data, Paul, Deborah L. , Entomological Collections Network 2015, (2015)
iConference2013: Augmenting optical character recognition (OCR) for improved digitization: Strategies to access scientific data in natural history collections, Paul, Deborah L., and P. Heidorn Bryan , iConference 2013, 02/2013, Ft. Worth, Texas, (2013)
iConference2013: Improving the Character of Optical Character Recognition (OCR): iDigBio Augmenting OCR Working Group Seeks Collaborators and Strategies to Improve OCR Output and Parsing of OCR Output, Anglin, Robert, Best Jason, Figueiredo Renato, Gilbert Edward, Gnanasambandam Nathan, Gottschalk Stephen, Haston Elspeth, P. Heidorn Bryan, Lafferty Daryl, Lang Peter, et al. , iConference 2013, 02/2013, Ft. Worth, Texas, (2013)
iConference2013:Help iDigBio reveal hidden data: iDigBio Augmenting OCR working group needs you - Part II, Paul, Deborah L., P. Heidorn Bryan, Best Jason, Gilbert Edward, Neill Amanda, and Ulate William , Ft. Worth, Texas, (2013)
iDigBio: A Network Partner for Specimen Research and Data, James, Shelley A. , NatureServe, Biodiversity without Boundaries 2016, 04/2016, San Juan, Puerto Rico, (2016)
iDigBio - Integrated Digitized Biocollections, Nelson, Gil, and Phillips Molly , The 128th Annual Meeting of the Iowa Academy of Science, 04/2016, Grand View University, Des Moines, (2016)
iDigBio: Using Biodiversity Specimen Data for Designing Effective Interpretive Programs, Nelson, Gil, Goodwin Jillian, and Phillips Molly , 39th Annual Southeastern State Parks Programs Seminar, 12/2015, Gainesville, FL, (2015)
iDigBio: using museum collections specimen data to improve biodiversity measures, Germain-Aubrey, Charlotte C., Allen Julie M., Guralnick Robert, Neubig Kurt M., Ponciano Jose Miguel, Lamy Thomas, Soltis Douglas E., Mischler Brent, Laffan S., Majure Lucas, et al. , Research Data Alliiance Sixth Plenary Meeting, Paris, France, 09/2015, Paris, France, (2016)
Improvement of Omnipage18's Efficiency, Steinke, KH , IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation Engineering (CSAE 2012), 05/2012, Zhangjiajie, (2012)
In Defense of Specimen Collecting, Natural History Collections, and Bioethics, Page, Larry M. , SPNHC 2015, (2015)
Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio): mobilizing natural history collections for enhanced classification and conservation of Malesian floral biodiversity, James, Shelley A. , Flora Malesiana 10, 07/2016, Edinburgh, UK, (2016)
Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio): mobilizing natural history collections for understanding island biodiversity, James, Shelley A., Paul Deborah L., Collins Matthew, and Nelson Gil , Island Biology 2016, 07/2016, Terceira Island, Azores, (2016)
Introduction to Using Digitized Data, James, Shelley A., Bills Christy, and Nelson Gil , Ecological Collections Network 2015, (2015)
Jar Wars the (data) Source Awakens: Exploring New Ichthyological Frontiers in Specimen-based Research, Education and Outreach, Singer, Randy A., and Page Larry M. , Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, 07/2016, New Orleans, LA, (2016)
Label Recognition in Herbarium Specimens by using Database-Queries, Gehrke, M., Steinke KH, and Dzido R. , ICDM 2011 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 09/2011, Vancouver, Canada, (2011)
Lifemapper's species distribution modeling based on iDigBio Biocollections, Stewart, Aimee, Matsunaga Andréa, Beach James H., Grady C.J., Cavner Jeffrey, and Fortes José A. B. , SPNHC 2015, (2015)
