iDigBio Bibliography

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The place for Biological Research and Field Stations in Biodiversity Digitization, Nelson, Gil , (2014)
PhyloJIVE (and others): Integrating biodiversity data with the Tree of Life, Miller, Joe , (2014)
Phylogenetics and Linking Molecular Data with Collections, Soltis, Pamela , (2014)
Photography equipment and techniques, Mayer, Paul , (2014)
Photography 101 for 'TORCH VIII + iDigBio', McCaffrey, Joanna , (2014)
Photography 101 for Small Herbaria Digitization, McCaffrey, Joanna , (2013)
Photography 101 for Small Herbaria Digitization, McCaffrey, Joanna, and Nelson Gil , (2013)
Photography 101 for "Biological Collections in the Pacific', McCaffrey, Joanna , (2014)
A Passion for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Bart, Henry L. , (2013)
Partners In Paleontology: Successful Synergies and Collaborations Between Amateurs and Professionals , Adrain, Tiffany S. , (2014)
Partnering for Prosperity: Community Collaboration in the furtherance of collections-based paleontology at Cincinnati Museum Center, Storrs, Glenn W., Hunda Brenda R., and Meyer Davis L. , (2014)
Participation of K-12 teachers and students in paleontology: Factors impacting effectiveness and sustainability, Ross, Robert M., Buckler Carolyn S., Capps Daniel K., Cronin Kelly E., Crawford Barbara A., Smrecak Thrisha A., Swaby Andrielle N., and Wall Alexander F. , (2014)
"Participants Introduction- Tri-Trophic Thematic Collection Network. A Tri-Trophic Databasing and Imaging Project - TDD TCN", Pace, Daniel , (2013)
Participants Introduction- Texas A&M University Insect Collection SCAN TCN, Riley, Edward , (2013)
Participants Introduction- Lichens, Bryophytes and Climate Change TCN, Brinda, John , (2013)
Parsing Dataset 1 using SALIX 2, Thompson, Alex , (2013)
Parsing Dataset 1: Regular Expression-Based Parsing of Tesseract Output from Lichen Herbarium Labels, Anglin, Robert , (2013)
Paper Maps Review, Utrup, Jessica , (2014)
Paleontology Digitization Workflows Working Group (DROID), Nelson, Gil , (2013)
Paleoniches: digitizing fossils to enable new synthesis in biogeography, Farell, Una , (2013)
Paleoniches: digitizing fossils to enable new syntheses in biogeography, Farrell, Una , (2013)
"Paleoniches Digitizing Fossils to Enable New Syntheses in Biogeography-Paleoniches TCN", Casey, Michelle , (2013)
Paleoniches: digitizing fossils to enable new syntheses in biogeography, Farrell, Una , (2014)
Paleo Quest: Accelerating science literacy, paleontological discoveries and museum collections through citizen science, outreach and novel field recovery methods, Osborne, Jason E., and Alford Aaron A. , (2014)
"Paleo Imaging Workshop Day 3:Data Management for Digitized Collections ", Jordan, Chris , (2014)
