iDigBio Bibliography
TORCH VIII and iDigBio Workshop 3:40-5pm ,
, (2014)
Macroalgae in our lives,
, USA, (2015)
NSC Alliance Washington Report,
, Volume 4, Issue 3, (2013)
GUID Guide,
, (2013)
iDigBio Image File Format Requirements and Recommendations,
, 09/2012, (2012)
iDigBio Image File Format Requirements and Recommendations,
, 11/2014, (2014)
Accelerating Taxonomic Discovery Through Automated Character Extraction,
, Zootaxa, Volume 2217, p.43-55, (2009)
Advanced Techniques for Imaging Parasitic Hymenoptera (Insecta),
, American Entomologist, (2005)
Aiming Up: Natural History Collections as Emerging Resources for Innovative Undergraduate Education in Biology,
, BioScience, 08/2014, Volume 64, Issue 8, (2014)
Avoiding twisted pixels: ethical guidelines for the appropriate use and manipulation of scientific digital images,
, Science and engineering ethics, Volume 16, Issue 4, p. 639-67, (2010)
Bringing Collections Out of the Dark,
, ZooKeys, 07/2012, Volume 209, Issue (Special Issue), (2012)
Darwin Core: An Evolving Community-Developed Biodiversity Data Standard,
, PLoS One, 01/2012, Volume 7, Issue 1, (2012)
DScan - a high-performance digital scanning system for entomological collections,
, Zookeys, 2012, Volume 209, (2012)
Five task clusters that enable efficient and effective digitization of biological collections,
, ZooKeys, 07/2012, Volume 209, (2012)