iDigBio Bibliography

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Journal Article
Accelerating Taxonomic Discovery Through Automated Character Extraction, LaSalle, J., Wheeler Q., Jackway P., Winterton S., Hobern D., and Lovell D. , Zootaxa, Volume 2217, p.43-55, (2009)
Advanced Techniques for Imaging Parasitic Hymenoptera (Insecta), Buffington, M. L., Burks R. A., and McNeil L. , American Entomologist, (2005)
Aiming Up: Natural History Collections as Emerging Resources for Innovative Undergraduate Education in Biology, Cook, Joseph A., Edwards Scott, Lacey Eileen A., Guralnick Robert P., Soltis Pamela S., Soltis Douglas E., Welch Corey K., Bell Kayce C., Galbreath Kurt E., Himes Christopher, et al. , BioScience, 08/2014, Volume 64, Issue 8, (2014)
Avoiding twisted pixels: ethical guidelines for the appropriate use and manipulation of scientific digital images, Cromey, D. W. , Science and engineering ethics, Volume 16, Issue 4, p. 639-67, (2010)
Bringing Collections Out of the Dark, Smith, Vincent, and Blagoderov Vladimir , ZooKeys, 07/2012, Volume 209, Issue (Special Issue), (2012)
Darwin Core: An Evolving Community-Developed Biodiversity Data Standard, Wieczorek, John , PLoS One, 01/2012, Volume 7, Issue 1, (2012)
DScan - a high-performance digital scanning system for entomological collections, Schmidt, S., Balke M., and Lafogler S. , Zookeys, 2012, Volume 209, (2012)
Five task clusters that enable efficient and effective digitization of biological collections, Nelson, Gil, Paul Deborah L., Riccardi Gregory, and Mast Austin R. , ZooKeys, 07/2012, Volume 209, (2012)


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