IDigBio API v0 Specification

From iDigBio
Revision as of 10:55, 14 May 2014 by Dstoner (talk | contribs) (add bold note)
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This document has been superceded by IDigBio API v1 Specification. Please use the current version of the API if possible.

Previous versions of the API (such as v0) may be less-fully documented than current versions.

Available Types

$ curl -s "" | json_pp
   "records" : "",
   "recordsets" : "",
   "mediaaps" : "",
   "mediarecords" : ""

Available endpoints

All endpoints follow the form of "{api_version}{endpoint}"

iDigBio v0 API Endpoints
Endpoint Method Description
'/mediarecords' GET returns a collection of media record IDs
'/mediarecords/{ID}' GET returns a media record with the specific entity ID
'/mediarecords/{ID}/media' GET returns an image associated with the specific entity ID
'/records' GET returns a collection of record IDs
'/records/{ID}' GET returns a record with the specific entity ID
'/records/{ID}/media' GET returns an image associated with the specific entity ID
'/publishers' GET returns a collection of publisher IDs
'/publishers/{ID}' GET returns a publisher with specific entity ID
'/recordsets' GET returns a collection of recordset IDs
'/recordsets/{ID}' GET returns a recordset with specific entity ID