Collections for the 21 Century Field Trips

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The symposium ends at noon on Tuesday, May 6. Biodiversity-centered activities planned for the afternoon include field trips to two nearby natural areas, the opportunity to work in collections at the Florida Museum of Natural History, or touring exhibits at FLMNH.

If you wish to work in a collection, please contact the curator or collection manager soon to make arrangements. Contact information can be found at If you wish to tour the exhibits, please email Adania Flemming ( by April 20, and we will arrange transportation for you to/from Powell Hall where the exhibits are located.

1) One of the two field trip is to La Chua Trail in Paynes Prairie, a large marsh and wetlands on the southern edge of Gainesville ( It is a popular birding site with an impressive population of alligators. The round-trip hike is about 3 miles on flat land, and you are guaranteed to see dozens of (small to very large) alligators and other wildlife. This trip is free of charge. If you wish to go, please email Adania ( by April 20 so transportation can be arranged.

2) The 2nd field option is a canoe-trip on the Ichetucknee River at Ichetucknee Springs State Park ( This is a spectacularly beautiful river about one hour from Gainesville. It takes ~2 hours to complete the trip – paddling downstream on a spring-fed, gently flowing river (very easy!). Total time to/from Gainesville will be 4-5 hours, and the cost is $35/person including transportation, canoe (or kayak) and park entry. If you wish to go on this trip, please email Adania ( by April 20.