Using wikidata to capture and share information about paleontological collecting sites

This wiki provides resources for the workshop Using wikidata to capture and share information about paleontological collecting sites. This workshop is the second in a two-part series, which also includes Using wikidata to capture and share information about people in paleontology.

General Information

When: October 4-5, 2022; 12:00-2:00pm Eastern Daylight Time (UTC -4) each day
Where: Virtual
Logistical point of contact: Erica Krimmel (, iDigBio / Florida State University
Expected number of participants: 30

This workshop will follow iDigBio's Code of Conduct.

Goals & Outcomes

This workshop will build on experience gained by participants in Part I of the series (Using Wikidata to capture and share information about people in paleontology) to explore the possibility of using Wikidata to curate community knowledge about paleontological collecting sites. Participants will begin by defining our information needs regarding paleontological collecting sites, including flagging aspects of the data that may be problematic to share publicly. We will then assess how these information needs could, or could not, fit into a Wikidata model. We will use a predetermined set of representative paleo collecting sites as test data for this workshop.

Participants should ideally have attended Part I of this workshop series, although if they did not then prior experience with Wikidata is an adequate substitute. Those who need a refresher on editing Wikidata records can view the videos linked in the [Pre-workshop homework] section, below. Participants do not need to have experience with any other particular technologies. Participants do need access to a computer with internet, and they will be expected to block off time to devote to the hands-on nature of this workshop.





Reports and Resources